Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meditation for your Health

Many people are afraid of meditation because they think it will make them become lost in thought and not know where they are. I have heard that some people think that they will put themselves in a trance or shut themselves off from world.

But the true about meditation is that it will help you to be more alert, calm, more focused, and you will not worry as much. It is really pleasant. Meditation is good for your health.

There are more benefits you can get from mediating:

1) You will be more positive and have more self-worth.
2) It will decrease tension, tension, anxiety and depression.
3) It improves the immune system and betters your health.
4) You will feel more spiritual.

Positions for meditating

You can sit with your back straight, lay down, or lotus position (sitting with legs crossed) you must be comfortable or it will distract from you meditation. If you sit in a chair, make sure your feet are flat on the floor. Place your hands on your lap palms down. It is very important that you do not slouch down. Make sure your clothes are loose and comfortable and the room is well ventilated. Breath through you nose if physically possible. It is good to meditate in the morning and at night. If you need to meditate in the middle of the day, then do it.

How To Begin Meditating?

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Feel your body start to relax. Listen to your breathing. If your mind starts to wander, just focus on your breathing and this will bring you back. Try to concentrate on words like peace, tranquility, calmness, love. It is suggested that you meditate at least 20 minutes. If this is not possible, do less. You may need to set a timer when you first try this. As soon as you are done meditating, open your eyes and slowly start moving. It takes time to get used to meditating, so be kind and patient with yourself.

Meditation is so great for you that it has been known to help people suffering from allergies, high blood pressure, fatigue, and cancer. It is totally amazing.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Few Interesting Ideas to Get in Shape

The funnier program is the better it is. Give yourself the best chance of sticking with your exercise program by having an enjoyable routine. This article provides you with the advice you need in order build a good program.

Music is a good addition to any workout. The beat of the music will make your body to start moving automatically. It is natural for people to respond to music. Doing this dance will be so much fun that you will completely forget about feeling tired. Adding music to your routine will allow you to keep moving for longer.

Don't forget that exercising in groups is always easier and much more funnier. Make your workouts a social get-together. It will make them much more fun. While you are sharing the workout experience with somebody, time passes much faster. Friends can help focusing your attention on conversation which produces more energetic and prolonged workouts. Working out with friends can be very fun.

Very popular way to exercise is to use a workout video games. This is another way to take your mind off of the fatigue and discomfort that you may feel during a workout. You will pay less attention to how worn out or sore you may feel if you are concentrated on the video game. You will find that you do not get as tired as you usually do, and this way you will be able to get in a bit more exercise.

While out shopping, find exercise clothes that will you look and feel good when you put them on. Have fun when you're selecting your outfits. Let your personality shine by selecting workout clothes in the styles and colors you enjoy. If you are happy with what you are wearing, you will have a bigger sense of trust about your exercise regimen.

Varying and rotating your workouts to include new activities is a great way to not become bored with your exercise plan. To avoid abandoning  your exercise program, try new exercises or actions that will keep you interested and motivated. Bring enjoyment to your workouts by constantly creating new methods and plans, so you could stay excited. Never let yourself to stop, because you get bored. It's just too hard to get started again.

Give yourself a reward every so often as a way to reward yourself and stay on course. Your reward could be a thing that you really want to do so that it can help you stay on track. It needn't be anything over the top- only a little something to keep you working. Giving yourself reminders of how good you are making will give you the motivation you need.

How to have more energy

Recently I've been suffering with my own sleep and energy levels; as I am sure many of us nurses have at one point or another during our careers. With swing shifts, working nights, and being unable to create a sleep-wake cycle I am certain many nurses have had trouble falling and staying asleep. I'm not sure why my sleep is disrupted right now as I really haven't changed anything in my lifetime.

The cause I've become aware of this broken sleep is I feel more lethargic and less energetic during the day. This could as well be related to the seasons changing and earlier sunsets we experience during autumn however, I am certain my restless sleep is making my decreased energy levels.

This takes me to the topic - energy levels. We have more control through our energy than we think. People, in general, feel they are powerless over their energy increments and decreases throughout their day; falling victim to things like shift schedules, overtime, and staffing numbers. Fortunately, this is not the case. You do have control over your energy. I want to share with you several ways you can keep energy levels balanced.

* Get more rest. Instead of going to bed at 1 am, and getting only 4.5 hours of sleep, because you stayed up late browsing the web or logged on to Facebook; turn off the technology and settle in earlier. Make a set scheduled bed time, as much as you are able to, and keep it. Get 6-8 hours of straight sleep per night. Make a space that is conducive to sleep which means turning off distractions, keeping the room dark, cooling the temperature, reserving the bed for sleep.

* Exercise. A surefire way to increase your energy levels is to really do things that spend your energy. I know this sounds counterintuitive. Most times people protest, "I have no energy to work out; after work I just want to go home  and sleep." I assure you, once you get into a workout routine you will have more energy. As your heartbeat increases with exercise, more blood surges through the brain, more oxygen is absorbed by your cells, and you feel more mentally aware and energetic. Better-conditioned muscles make daily tasks easier. As you get stronger through exercise; so does your immune system.

* Drinking more water. This seems to be my answer for everything; but it works! Water accounts for approximately 60% of your body weight. Your organs need water in order to function properly.  By staying hydrous you will avoid feeling sluggish, tired.

* Stay away from "energy boosters." Things such as coffee, caffein, sugar, "energy" drinks are all ways to send your energy levels crashing. You ask why? You take them in for a quick burst of energy, but then since they are not natural your body "crashes" down off of them causing you to need more to sustain those energy levels you enjoyed. Excess sugar causes fluctuations in blood sugar, which can result in plummeting energy levels. Although coffee initially raises stress hormones and gives a rush of energy, consuming several cups of coffee per day can promote burnout. Avoid unnatural ways to boost energy.

* Make some time every day just for you. Make a daily ritual where you take 20 to 30 minutes for yourself just relaxing and doing nothing (no watching TV or surfing the net). Read a book, listen to music, meditate, have a cup of tea, or sit outside just being quiet. Make something that is just for you. Schedule it in as you do anything else.

* Go out. Nature is a great energizer. Rest in the fresh air. Get your dose of natural vitamin D from the sun.  Run around with kids, play a sport, or tackle some yard work. The more you are outside feeling the elements; the better rest you will get and ultimately the best energy you will have.

* Breathe. Energy, in Chinese Medicine, is called qi. Great important way we make qi is by breathing deeply. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing is a easy way you can improve energy levels.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

4 Simple Tips for Weight Loss

If you have overweight, you will never be Healthy person, so I will give you some simple tips to lose weight.

1) Get that body moving!

Being active is essential to your great health. Joining a gym, going for a walk, jog, or swimming are only a couple of ways to get and remain active. Parking your car the farthest distance from the supermarket or store will let you to walk more while your shopping or running errands. Go up and down on your toes while waiting in checkout line. Attempt to take on projects, like planting a garden,raking leaves,or walking the dog. Take the stairs not the escalator, walking stairs is a great cardio exercise.

2) Eat your vegetables.

Eating veggies is one of the smartest things you can do for optimum health. Leafy green veggies in particular are the best food on the planet, they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibers, and phytochemicals. Non only do they have a very high nutrient content, but they also have a very low caloric rate. Foods with this combination of high nutrients, and low calories is ideal for your good health. Attempt to eat as much of these type of great foods as possible, this will supply your body with all the nourishment it needs to fight off diseases while allowing you to lose weight.

3) Drink plenty of water.

Water curbs your appetite naturally, and helps the body burn fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increment! Increasing your water consumption will lower the fat on your body!

Here's the reason why...

The kidneys cannot work properly without enough water. When they do not work to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver. One of the liver's primary works is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it cannot work at maxim efficiency. Water helps you feel your best. You've heard this since high school, and it's right. Water will do wonders for your looks! It flushes out toxins in your skin, leaving you with a clear, glowing complexion. It also makes your skin look younger. Skin that is becoming saggy, either due to aging or weight loss, plumps up very nicely when the skin cells are hydrated.

4) Eat lots fruits.

Begin eating some fruits that you haven't eaten before. Fruits come in all shape, sizes, and flavors. Put berries, apples, or bananas into your hot or cold breakfast cereals. Try to have some fruit with each and every meal. Allow for sliced carrot, apples, grapes, or any fruit in your lunch bag. A fruit salad is a outstanding perfect for lunch. Fruit is good for snacks. Encourage your kids also to snack with fruits instead  with cakes and candy.

They are rich in vitamins and minerals which keep the body healthy. They are filled with antioxidants, which are thought to protect against chemicals that get into the body and cause damage to the cells. Even So, the exact way in which they prevent disease is not fully understood.

3 Interesting Ways to Achieve Weight loss

What you eat and what you do for exercise is often the least main part of the equation when it gets to losing weight and going in shape.

Here are a a couple of strange conceptions that can assist you get into the right place mentally to finally shed that unwanted baggage, for good!

1. What you see it's what you get

Your reality is the way you see things - it is up to you to see them the way you want them to be!

The goal therefore, is to see more beauty, look at beautiful things more - focus on the good stuff! See more beauty - your life becomes more beautiful.

2. Self Respect and Love

Self-respect makes it harder to make poor food choices, harder to miss a workout (unless you are showing signs of over-training, which you will also be able to recognise if you stop fighting) and so much simpler to make better selections.

If you trust that you are worthy then your behaviour will naturally fall in line with that feeling. You won't have to push your way through your programme - the programme is designed to allow your lean, healthy self to emerge and develop.

3. Awareness, think where are you now?

The first thing we need to find before we can transfer things, is to be aware!

We need to turn aware of what we are doing - this is why writing a food diary is such a important tool, as most people are blissfully unaware of what and how much food they are actually consuming.

Being aware of our feelings when we eat, of our emotions, of the places in which we respond with overeating is all part of being able to make changes.

Awareness, then acknowledgement, then understanding leads to total transformation.

One things need more work than others, as they will be deeply embedded habits. But until we can identify what might be getting wrong, we will never be able to address it!

Sometimes, simply by drawing attention and awareness to a habit, belief or behaviour can be enough to see it off for good - but other things will take a bit more time and need some of the other approaches in this book to neutralise or replace.

If you do this, you will not need to follow the latest fad or craze - if you listen to what your body really needs it will become obvious!

Good Time Management tips

Effective time management can mean all the difference in your general quality of life. For instance, do you get to the end of the day and question where the time went? If so do you find that you're distracted all the way home by the tasks you know you should have finished?

Most people have some kind of experience like to this, but it doesn't have to be the norm. Let's take a look at strategies you can use to make the most of your professional time so you're not taking those tasks around mentally during your personal time.

* Good Time Management Means Getting Organized

Keep A To Do List - Writing it down leaves you free to concentrate on other things. Keep your list in front of you, and allow yourself the satisfaction of marking a task as complete.

Use Checklists - This is a little different from keeping To Do Lists. A checklist tracks tasks that need to be completed on a given project. If you find that you work on the same types of projects repeatedly, consider creating a checklist template for yourself so you can use it over and  again.

Clear Your Clutter - Keep your desk clear. Define a clutter-free condition for your work area. Make sure that you start and end your day with your workspace completed and clear.

Focus Your Attention - Focus your mind and your activities on the task at hand. Finish each task before you move onto the next one.

* Effective Time Management Means Planning Forward

Plan For Tomorrow - Map out what you're going to do tomorrow in front you finish your work today. Allow yourself the time it takes to do this advance activity.

Prepare For Tomorrow's Tasks - Once you've planned the work you need to do tomorrow, make sure you have the materials needed for each task. For example, if you're writing a report, be sure you've identified and accessed your research materials.

Allocate Time For Tasks - Decide forward of time how long you will devote to a specific job. That way as you're working on it, the knowledge that your allocated time is limited will hone your focus and sharpen your mind, allowing you to concentrate more fully on the task at hand.

* Effective Time Management Means Being Punctual

Keep A Calendar - When you make appointments with other people, use scheduling software or a calendar to hold track of these time-bound events. Likewise, since you've taken the time to plan your day, be meticulous in holding to your scheduled tasks. Don't let yourself be distracted.

Apply Task Management Software - One of my favorite tools for time management is a tool called the Focus Master. It lets you to program blocks of your time, including regular breaks, and when the time is up, the software notifies you that it's time to move onto the next task. There is nothing quite as important a having a meter running to keep you on task.

Let the Day Be Done - When you've invested the time you've allowed for your professional tasks, leave them alone until you're ready to get back to them. Be present to your friends and family and all the activities of your individual life.

They say that life is like a sweepstakes: Must be present to win! When you learn to handle your professional time and get the most out of it, all of your minutes, hours and days take on a sweet savor.

Stress Reduction Tips

Managing your stress level is an main factor to live a healthy and happy life that is often forgotten. Most will simply accept the stress instead than try to find ways to reduce it.
I will give you some simple stress reduction tips, so let's start.

Healthy food and exercise 

It may sound cliche but eating healthier and exercising are the two greatest things you can do to handle your stress. And mostly everyone already recognise this intuitively; handle your body right, give it the nutrients it needs, and it will operate better and more efficiently. 
Making dramatic transfers to your diet and exercise routine can be an added factor to stress in and of itself, so you'll want to make very small incremental transfers. This not only does such changes easier to handle and less stressful but it also makes those changes more likely to stick and become a habit. Do a few pushups in the morning, take the stairs alternatively of the elevator, add a banana or an apple to your lunch. Start making these very little changes and add on as time goes on.
You'd be surprised how much a difference it can make in reducing your stress by simply cleaning up and organizing your home and office. Living in a chaotic mess seems to reflect itself in our lives. Most people find that simply removing the clutter on their desk will improve their mindset and help boost productivity.
Being disorganized also leads to more stress in certain situations, such as when you can't find your car keys in the morning and you end up running late to work. Or perhaps you need to find an main paper or report but it is lost somewhere in the stack of documents on your desk.
Take Your Sleep 
Lack of quality sleep is one of the biggest factors to stress and yet it is the one most ignored. You can get through your day with only four hours of sleep, sure, but it is going to negatively affect your health and add to your stress.
Researchers are continually confirming and uncovering new negative affects of sleep deprivation.
If you find yourself having trouble getting to sleep there are free resources available on the internet that may help. The common tips to falling asleep easier include:
 Don't drink any caffeinated beverages 3 to 6 hours before you plan to go to sleep.
Avoid electronic screens such as computers or television 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to go to sleep because electronic light exposure before sleep disrupts natural body rhythms, excites your visuals and suppresses the release of the hormone melatonin which promotes sleep.
 Try reading a book in bed before going to sleep. Reading often helps people become drowsy and the drowsy effect is increased by reading in your bed.
If you don't feel tired when you plan to go to sleep, simply lay in bed and close your eyes and try not to think about anything. You may find that you'll soon become tired this way and is a better option than turning on the tube which, like mentioned, disrupts your quality of sleep and makes you even less tired.
Get a New Hobby 
Another experiences or taking up a fun hobby can dramatically reduce stress. Pick up hike as an outdoor recreational activity for illustration. Studies actually show that getting out into nature can have a positive effect on our moods. Or you could join a book club or some other group activity. Getting fun and enjoying yourself with hobbies and activities is a great way to reduce stress.
Quit Destructive Habits
If you drink too much alcohol or smoke cigarettes you may want to consider reducing if not stopping these habits completely. Smoking cigarettes actually does help reduce stress while you are smoking them, but it does bigger damage. Alcohol has a similar effect as cigarettes. It may temporarily reduce your stress in the moment but the health disruption it can cause may lead to a net increase in your stress level.
Other destructive habits may include eating unhealthy, over-spending or procrastination. Look for areas where you can improve yourself. Setting goals and reaching for excellence makes you feel better about yourself and will ultimately lead to less stress.